Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ashley's up and walked to the bathroom! And Cole had his first bottle around 5!

Cole Francis Sirianni

Cole Francis Sirianni was born at 3:17pm weighing in at 6 pounds 5 ounces and they didn't measure him yet.
Ashley got to hold him right from the womb which she teared up when she found that out. They let us hold him for a half hour or so before taking him to the CICU. They did have to cut Ashley the same place as last time. Ashley will fill in more details when she has some downtime.

6lbs 5oz.

Baby came quick

Cole Francis Sirianni


Getting ready to push... That was fast... say 20 minutes...


5cm and Dr just broke her water.

4cm and 80% effaced@1pm


Epidural is in.

12:30 update

Just a quick update...  Contractions are starting to pick up and they will be breaking my water sometime around 2pm.  Unless, it breaks on its own like it did with Owen.  I still can't believe we will be meeting our little one in just a couple of hours!!!!!!


We are here at the SDU and they just started Ashley on Pitocin. The doctor the delivered Owen just started his 24 hour shift so, he'll be delivering this baby, too. We are very happy about that. She's currently 3cm dilated and 60% effaced.
  Ashleys' first IV was causing her allot of pain so they just put another one in that feels much better. Originally they were going to leave the first one in for emergency access but, it was hurting too much and didn't seem worth it to us to leave in.
 We were able to touch base with our cardiologist while we were walking in and was able to hear her opinion on the game plan for the baby.  The surgeon we would like to use is out of town for the week so unless the baby needs immediate surgery; we won't be getting a surgery this week. But she is thinking sooner rather than later.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thank You & Tomorrow

First off thank you for all of the prayers, text messages, facebook messages, phone calls and beautiful flowers we received on Friday.  Ian and I enjoyed the day together remembering our sweet Owen. 

Tomorrow is the big day, the day we have been waiting for for the past 9 months.  The arrival of our little one.  We have to be at CHOP by 7-7:30am to get the induction underway.  I am really hoping for a quick induction, but we shall see.  We will keep you all updated as things progress via the blog and facebook. 

Thanks in advance for all of the prayers for a quick and safe delivery and the health of our babe.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Can't Believe It's Been One Year...

This was one of the most emotional draining things I have ever done.
Please, enjoy our 7 months with Owen...

Music from the slideshow...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

39 Weeks Prego

Wow, five days or less and we will be meeting our little love!!!  I can't believe it..  There has been no change since my last check-up.  I am still 2cm dialated and 70% effaced.  I sure am hoping that alot changes between now and my induction on Tuesday.  Either a baby before I get induced or a lot of dialating going on.  I really don't want an induction like I had with Owen, although if that's what happens, well then that's what happens.  Ian's last day of work is today until the baby is home from the hospital.  I am so looking forward to having him around.  He is so motivated and helps me out around here so much.  It is such a blessing especially when you are nine months and three quarters prego.  haha!  Well, if anything happens between now and Tuesday we will keep you all updated via the blog and facebook.  Otherwise it may be quite on the blog this weekend as we do final preparations for the baby and remember our sweet Owen as tomorrow marks one year since he went to heaven. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

38 Week CHOP appointment

Today, we had appointments at CHOP.  Our last fetal echocardiogram, followed by a growth scan & OB appointment.  The echo was fairly quick probably because it was hard for them to get good images.  As the baby gets bigger it gets harder for them to see much of the baby's heart.  The chick that did the echo was jamming the wand into my stomach so hard.  It felt like the baby's bones were going to come through my skin and then of course the baby was trying to get away from her and was going under my hips and up into my ribs.  Ouchie baby!!  The cardiologist (a different one from last time) again said they are going to be sticking with their plan of just monitoring the babe for the first couple days of life and be sure the baby is able to keep it's oxygen saturation levels up without becoming "blue."  As far as testing done on baby after baby is born is still to be determined.  It might just be an echocardiogram, but it could be 1 or more of 3 other tests that could be run that would require the baby to go under anesthesia.  We were unable to see Dr. Natarajan again this time she was in the CICU today and it is difficult to get away when there are so many sick baby's that need your attention.  Two out of the three different caridologists we have seen this pregnancy have acted like baby will likely come home and then go back when he/she is a couple weeks to a couple months old for it's heart surgery.

About the growth scan.  Baby's growth is great!!!  Baby is weighing about 7lbs.  Grow baby grow!!!  I was very thrilled when I heard this.  I could tell you baby was growing because my body sure is feeling it.  There have been days that no matter what position I am in my lower back would be killing me.  We also got to see some of our little love in 3D.  Little one kept it's hands up in it's face making it hard to get a full face shot, but I love ANY pictures of our babe.  I'm not sure if you can make the picture out or not, but it is the baby's sweet chubby cheeks, nose and chin.  The baby has it's hand covering the rest of it's face.  Silly little one.  So sweet!!  I can't wait to love on this babe!!!! 

As far as my OB appointment...  So much to say!!  I am currently 2cm dialated, 70% effaced, my cervix is super soft and very thin.  The midwife again said the baby's head is so low she acted like it is quite rare for a baby's head to be so low when not in labor.  She said my labor will most likely go very quickly and be easy.  They keep reiterating that as soon as I think I may be in labor to get to CHOP and not mess around at home.  My blood pressure was high again today, but there isn't too much concern.  The labs for my liver that they had me get done last week came back perfect.  Aaaa music to my ears.  haha!!  Have I ever said how I love the OB's and midwives at CHOP???  They are great!  They take time to listen to your questions and concerns and never make you feel stupid with anything you ask.  Our next appointment is next Wednesday, May 25th and if baby hasn't arrived by May 31st I will be going in for an induction at 7:30am for them to induce me.  In 11 days - almost 10 days we will be meeting our babe!!!  Although, if I continue feeling like I am I wouldn't be surprised if babe came on it's own before that.  I have been so tired lately.  I am not sure if it is because I am at the end of my pregnancy or because of this lovely rainy dreary weather.  I am sure it is probably the two combined.  I also have started to swell a bit in my right foot.  The midwife said that is because your placenta lies on your right side.  I was hoping to get away without swelling this time.  With Owen I swelled so bad it hurt like crazy.  I am thankful it isn't NEAR as bad as it was with Owen. 

I know there are many people that are concerned that they won't hear when I am in labor.  We will keep everyone updated through the blog and facebook. 

Oh, one minor detail I forgot to add.  As we were on our way to CHOP this morning sitting at a red light we got rear ended.  I just laughed.  Ian and I just looked at each other wondering what the heck just happened.  Ian thought our car stalled.  Oh boy so funny.  So, Ian pulled over and got out and there wasn't any damage so we just went on our way. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

5/13 CHOP Appointment

This morning I had another midwife appointment at CHOP.  I will be going now every Friday until babe decides to make it's grand appearance.  They are a little concerned about me developing preclampsia since my blood pressure keeps trending upwards more and more every Friday when I have appointments.  Today they had me get bloodwork to check my liver again just to be on the safe side (apparently liver function has something to do with preclampsia).  I am assuming everything looked fine because I didn't hear anything and they get bloodwork results within 2-3 hours at CHOP.  I had a different OB today and she brought up an induction.  I politely told her I would rather not be induced unless there is a reason that would put either baby or myself at risk.  I was only 1 1/2 cm dialated although now my cervix is very soft and as you already know the baby's head is super low.  They keep seeming to think that I can go at any time with the baby putting so much pressure on my cervix.  We shall see when babe decides to come!!! 

The other day when I was at the mall some lady said to me "You are so big you must be having twins"  haha!!  I said "No, but just about full-term" she wouldn't listen to me she kept insisting that I am having twins.  Then today the midwife said to me "Wow you must not have gained much weight you are all baby."  Then, after she weighed me she said I lost weight since my last appointment and was like "Are you eating enough"  Oh geeze if only she knew.  I certainly eat enough and I have certainly put on enough...  more then enough weight this pregnancy. 

Tonight we went to my parents for dinner and a camp fire I said "Most likely next time we come we will have a baby with us."  Crazy to think!!!  I indulged in roasted marshmallows and A s'more I could have eaten like 10 s'mores.  Oh Yum!!!!  Baby sure did enjoy it too!!!  I wonder if this babe will have a sweet tooth like its momma. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Fully Baked Babe!

37 weeks!!!  It won't be long now until we meet our little one, at the longest it will be 21 days!  I can hardly believe it.  I have been enjoying these last weeks of pregnancy esp. this past week with the beautiful weather we have been having.  Everything that I can pack is packed and ready to go so when baby decides to come we can pretty much just get to CHOP.  Every morning Ian asks me if I will be having a baby today.  I keep telling him "no", but now since I am full-term I am okay with babe joining us outside the womb.  I know I have said it many times, but I will say it again.  This pregnancy is FLYING by!!!!!  I can hardly believe that our little love will be here so soon!  I have been having alot of back discomfort mostly on my left side where the baby likes to hang out.  Silly babe!  I keep thinking this baby is going to weigh a good 7 1/2 pounds or so at birth.  This baby has me streched to the max.  Just when I think I can't get any more strech marks another one appears.  (I am certainly not complaining just stating a fact)  Ian & I are so grateful to God for the blessing of another precious child that He has given us to care for, train and love. 

We appreciate your contiued prayers as we anxiously await the arrival or our sweet little one. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

36 Week CHOP appointment

On Friday, May 6th Ian and I went to CHOP for a midwife appointment.  We were pretty much in and out.  Which was nice for a change.  Usually we are there for a couple hours.  We didn't have any ultrasounds or Echos.  They didn't say much except for the fact that I am 1cm dialated (I know not much) 50% effaced and the baby is really low.  Which I already knew from the week before.  Praying things continue to progress on their own so I don't have to be induced!!!! 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Best Mothers Day Gifts EVER!!

Very thankful for my sweet blessings that make me a mommy!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Much Better!

After 24 hours of pure pain I am feeling 99% better.  I still get pain every once in a while, but it is certainly isolated.  I don't know what the deal was?!  I keep thinking kidney stone or something GI related?!  I knew it wasn't pregnancy related and I was right!  I am still trying to take it easy and not over due it.  Ian took good care of me while I couldn't do anything.  Have I ever said how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband?!  SO BLESSED!!!