Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy birthday Owen!

Miss you, buddy.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you have been through. I am so incrediably sorry. I will definitely be praying for your next steps on your journey. Please keep me updated. Here are some verses that I clung to that you might find helpful as well.
    Is. 43:18-19
    Eph. 3:12
    II Tim. 2:13
    Job 2:10b
    Daniel 4:37
    Ps. 37:4
    Ps. 18:6
    Ps. 121:1-2
    Ps. 113:2-3
    Is. 54:1
    Gen. 1:28a
    Ps. 139:13-16
    Malachi 2:15
    Luke 18:1
    Eph. 3:14 and 20
    Ps. 113:9
    Ps. 127:3
    Ps. 128:3-4
    Gen. 25:21
    Ex. 23:25-26
    I John 3:20-22
    I John 5:14-15
    Heb. 10:35-36
