Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This blog post is long overdue...  I really wish I could get better at blogging.  Every now and then I think I should blog about this or that, but never do! 

What have I been up to?

I am primarily keeping busy with house work and projects around here.  It is amazing how the days fly by and I keep busy even without little Owen to consume a majority of my time.   

I am working one day every other week for only about 5 hours a day cleaning and doing projects, for a little extra spending money. 

My In-Laws got me a new sewing machine so I have been spending alot of time sewing up different projects.  I finally started and finished Owens quilt that I was going to make for him before he was born and it never happened.  Now, he isn't here to use it.. 

What ever happened with the Reproductive Endocrinologist?

Two months ago Ian and I did a testing cycle.  It was mostly me that had a majority of the testing done.  They do ultrasounds, biopsy's, bloodwork, and more bloodwork and more bloodwork.  I felt like I was at the RE every other day getting some form of test of bloodwork done. 

What were the findings of all of the testing?

Ian is a carrier for cystic fibrosis.  Although, in order for cystic fibrosis to be passed on to a child both mom and dad have to be carriers and I am not a carrier.  My biopsy showed that I had Endometritis and that my body isn't completely immune to the Varicella Virus (Chicken Pox or Shingles) they wanted me to go for booster shots which then I wouldn't be allowed to get pregnant for 3 months because it could cause severe birth defects.  I chose not to get the Varicella Booster I would rather just stay away from anyone and everyone with any sort of rash or fever my entire pregnancy.  I had a repeat biopsy for the endometritis the following month and the form of treatment they had me on worked!!  The endometritis is gone!!  I was so excited to get that phone call!!! 

Why did you go to the RE to begin with?

After, Owen died Ian and I decided we wanted more children and knowing that it took us a year and a half to get pregnant with Owen, I felt like I should see the RE to be sure there wasn't anything wrong that it had taken so long to get pregnant previously and to get on fertility drugs.  Also, the RE followed my pregnancy with Owen for the first 10 weeks and I wanted them aware of the fact that we wanted to try to have another baby as they will follow any future pregnancies for the first 10 weeks. 

Are you on any fertility drugs now?

I am not.  After, all of the testing it showed no reason for us to not be getting pregnant and they recommended trying without any drugs or medical interventions for a couple of months.  Although, they are more then willing to do whatever we want.  Be it fertility drugs or In-Vitro.  They will do anything in their power to see that we have another baby. 

Today Owen would be 11 months!!  Oh how the past 11 months FLEW by!!  He is missed dearly!!  I am planning on having some sort of first birthday bash on or around his first birthday. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted all of this...

    I am praising God with you for answers and healing you in so many ways. Now, the waiting... right?

    It's hard to imagine what you're feeling having finished his little quilt and him not there to enjoy it. ((teary eyes)) He knows...

    You'll be blessed again, soon. Worship in the waiting. He makes ALL things beautiful in his time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
