Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Sick Momma & An off Baby

Since last Friday August 12th Cole had seemed a bit off to me.  Just a bit more irritable, he was starting to sweat with feeds and he was a bit more blue.  So, I decided to take him to the pediatrician on Tuesday.  The doctor said he looked great and couldn't find anything wrong with him.  Although, she did up his dose of Zantac from .5mls twice a day to 1.5mls twice a day and I feel like I have seen a difference already.  She wants us to get a handicap placard for the days that it is really hot and really cold out.  She doesn't think it is good for him to be in extreme temps.  She also said they need to start the process to get him his synagis shots.  Since Cole is so young he is unable to get the flu shot and if he would get the flu or RSV that would be really bad...  So he needs to get a synagis shot monthly during RSV season I believe it is for 5 months.  Although, the synagis shots are VERY expensive so they need to get it approved by insurance and that often times can be a long process.  Coles oxygen saturation levels were between 87-91% at the pediatricans office.  YAY!! That means the surgery he had 3 weeks ago today was a success.  I am hoping we get good news when we go back to the caridologist next Wednesday that his Pulmonary Arteries have grown like they should.  With that said ever since he was home from the doctor on Tuesday he has been an angel.  He is so good!!!  I am very thankful for that.  He has been sleeping great for me at nights he will go to bed around 9-10pm and then get up at 4am and nurses and goes right back to sleep.  Although, after that stretch he gets up about every 2 hours until we get up for the day around 8am. 

As of Tuesday I came down with a high fever and I was feeling very achey and super tired.  It turns out that I have mastitis from nursing.  I am so glad it's not contagious..  The doctor put me on antibiotics and I am feeling MUCH better today!!!  My fever finally broke early this morning and I no longer feel like a furnace. haha! 

I have been super busy getting things done for my sisters baby shower that is 9 days away.  Along, with all the day to day household chores and taking care of my sweet boy!! 

I'll leave you with a picture of our sweet little guy that just smiles away at his daddy and mommy!!

Have I every mentioned how much he loves his bath?!  And if you can see it his scars are looking great!!!


  1. Oh my goodness, Ash!! He is SOOOO cute!!!! I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling good. Glad to hear that you are no longer running a fever. You are such a great mommy, Cole sure is blessed! Love you! ~~aunt Amy
