Saturday, April 30, 2011


Thank you everyone for praying.  We are home from the hospital.  I was having contractions every two minutes when we first got to the hospital and only dialated a finger tip.  My midwife said that is exactly what she wants to see at 35 weeks.  Baby's head is in a +1 position.  Meaning baby's head is like hanging out of me!!  Perhaps that is why I am still not feeling great.  I am having alot of lower back and abdominal pain and can hardly change positions. Which I am not conviced that is normal??!?!  Last time I felt like this I was in active labor with Owen.  I want to make it another week and a half then babe can come.  My midwife said I most likely over did it and that I really need to take it easy.  Me take it easy?!  Is that a joke....  haha...  Now that I am 35 weeks and was waiting until now to get everything done.  Oh, well the safe arrival of this babe is on the top of my priority list!!!   We will keep everyone updated as things happen around here.  I get nervous thinking about Ian going to work from now until babe comes.  Ian was out when I started getting the horrible pain and I couldn't get ahold of him or even get up off the couch.  Thankfully he happened to walk in the door about 5 minutes later.  The reason we went to Doylestown Hospital instead of CHOP was because Doylestown is a bit closer and my OB at CHOP wanted me to get to a hospital quickly.  Well, I'm off to go rest!!! 


Not in labor, waiting for blood work to come back. Most likely dehydration.


Just got to d town hospital. Not Sure what's going on. Ashley has extreme abdominal pain. Waiting for the midwife to arrive to figure out if we are having this baby or not. If we are we will most likely be transferred to CHOP.

Could be anything though. Dehydration was one thing they said.

Will see where this takes us. ..

Friday, April 22, 2011

34 Weeks

This morning we had our CHOP appointments.  Everything remains the same with the baby's heart and baby's growth is great!!  I was so thrilled that the baby is weighing 5lb 1oz.  Around this time in my pregnancy with Owen he was only weighing about 3lbs.  This is the point in my pregnancy with Owen that they told us they may need to take him early, because he wasn't growing enough.  Owen was 5lb 7oz at birth, so only 6 more oz and this little porker with be what Owen was at birth.  The baby put on 2 lbs since our last appointment at CHOP which was only 4 weeks ago.  If the baby continues to grow at this rate I could have  a 7-8lb babe. 

Silly little one was sucking on the placenta!  Love my bug!!

Yesterday Owen would have been 1 1/2 years old!  Sweet boy sure is missed!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

33 Weeks

On Monday was my last appointment with my Midwife.  My care has officially been transferred to CHOP.  That means we are getting close to meeting this little one!!  Everything is looking good.  I am starting to feel a little uncomfortable.  My sciatic nerve has been giving me alot of pain every once in awhile.  The pain comes and goes.  When it flares up I can't even move.  On Monday at my appointment the midwife said the baby is not head down.  Hopefully baby decides to move into the correct position for birth!  It is hard to believe that baby is considered full term in a short 27 days!  My days have been flying by.  I have been keeping very busy and nesting like crazy.  The sunny warmer weather we have had the past two days have helped me keep motivated.  Every single drawer, cabinet, closet, rubbermaid bin is organized.  It feels so good to be going through everything and getting rid of stuff and just having a super organized house.  Although, if you know me I am always like this.  It's not just because I am nesting it is the normal me on overdrive.  haha!  I am getting anxious for next weeks appointment at CHOP to see how big baby is.  I feel like the baby is deffinately growing as am I.  Most of my clothes are getting a bit tight.  I hate to buy any new clothes this far in my pregnancy.  The next thing I need to work on is packing my hospital bag and a bag for the Ronald McDonald house.  I typed up a list and have been making a pile of things that I want to pack so it really shouldn't take long.  I just need to wash my summer clothes and figure out what I will be able to wear after baby is born. 

I got a letter and grieving book in the mail from the funeral home for Owen's soon (a little over a month) to be one year in heaven.  UGH!  Like I needed a reminder?!!?!  I just threw it in the trash.  I must say though that I am so blessed to have a little one growing in my tummy.  Although, it doesn't take the pain away one bit.  It just helps a LITTLE to take my mind off the fact that we have just about lived our lives for a year without our little man in our arms.  Not a day goes by that we don't miss Owen.