At 7 o clock the midwife came in to check Ashleys' cervix and it only grew to 3 cm 60% effaced. Which is only one more cm then when she got checked in the morning. Her and the doctor came back in to talk about our options at this point. Take a break from the Pitocin, Break the water, or go back to Cervadil for the night. We decided to stay on the Pitocin even though she had her dinner sitting there waiting to be eaten. {You can't eat while on Pitocin} At about 8:15 the doctor checked her and she was almost 4 cm and her contractions were started to get harder, this confirmed our Pitocin decision. The doctor is going to check her again at 10 to see if she dialated anymore. If she did then they aren't going to break the water, if she didn't then they are. They said they think we should have a baby by 1am but, how do they know that?
All the nurses are really nice but, the one we have tonight seems to be pretty intune to Ashleys' feelings and everything.
The midwife came in and said the NICU called asking where the baby was.
praying we wake up to wonderful news!!!!